Y6 Transition
Year 6 Pupils
A warm welcome to all Year 6s and your parents, joining us at William Farr during our Year 7 induction period. Moving from primary school to secondary school can be very exciting and I am sure you have spent the last few months after your SATs, looking forward to making the next steps, but we appreciate that it can seem overwhelming too. We take every opportunity to ensure that your move up to William Farr, is as smooth and comfortable as possible, and hope you are all looking forward to joining the William Farr family in September. It really is an exciting time to be joining the school.
Our school aims to provide a high-quality education that inspires and supports all students in the school community to thrive. Guided by John 10:10, we provide opportunities for you to get involved with 'life in all its fullness', we strive for excellence, ensuring you are all known, feel valued and achieve your full potential.
As a student who will be starting the school in September, you are invited to our two-day Transition event in July. Year 6 students starting at William Farr School in September will be expected to attend both days to benefit from the events on offer. During the two-day event, you will be greeted by your Head of Year and meet and spend some time with your tutors. You will get to meet new friends in your tutor groups as well as find your way around the school buildings, learn new routines and expectations and experience a variety of lessons to give you a taste of William Farr School. The days are designed to give you a good insight into life at William Farr, so your mind is at ease over the summer break. You will also find out what House you will be in, and be given a badge and so know what colour tie you will need for September.
Every year group has a Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year who, together, will guide you through your time in school. The most important member of staff, and your first port-of-call, is your Tutor who you will see daily. Any questions or concerns should be directed to them as they are best placed to help.
Moving up to secondary school. is a really important step in your life, and as such, we invest a lot of time it. We have met with your Headteachers and class teachers to look at some of your work and talk about you and get a good understanding of who you are, what you like, what you dislike and how you learn. Where we can, we have been in to schools to meet you, too, and where it hasn’t been possible, we will meet you on the Transition days.
We have produced TWO Year 7 Handbooks, which will be given to you on your visit to school. One Year 7 Student Handbook to give you an overview of life at William Farr School, with some Frequently Asked Questions. There is one for adults, too, with a bit more information that they will want and can tell you a bit more.
You will receive a printed version of this handbook in September, along with a homework diary, merit sheet and hardback folder.
You will be given three pieces of homework to complete over the summer. They are fun pieces, so it won’t be too much work! These include:
- All About Me A5 poster to introduce yourself to your tutor and new tutor group
- Get Caught Reading – taking photos of you reading in different places
- Geography Postcard – send a postcard from wherever you visit over the summer, if it is Lincoln, Cornwall, the Isle of Wight, or if you are lucky enough to visit anywhere abroad and there is a competition for the most postcards in each form!
We hope you have a great summer and look forward to seeing you in September.
Parents and Guardians
We know it is a daunting time for you, too! Please see the Year 7 Parents’ Handbook, which is a comprehensive guide to supporting you and your child through the transition process, which we hope will answer most of your questions you may have.
In order to support the transition of your child, in the background, we do the following:
- Have strong relationships with our Primaries, built on a foundation of years of communication
- Hold Open Evenings in September for prospective Year 5 and Year 6 families
- Planning meetings take place with Deputy Head, Head of Year and SENDCo to discuss groupings, including keep together, keep aways, SEND and Tutors
- Head of Year 7 visits to Primary schools
- SEND small group Transition mornings
- Additional SEND Transition activities
- 2-day Transition event for all Year 6 students to attend
- Year 6 New Parents’ Information Evening
- Summer holiday homework
- Year 7 First day occurs on an INSET day, so they have the run of the school
On the two transition days, please ensure your child arrives at William Farr before 9am, for a 9.15am prompt start. The Main Hall is to the right of reception so it is easy to find. On both days, the Year 6s will be released at 3.15pm from the front of the school, in order to help miss the buses and traffic that normally arrive at the end of school. Please be there to collect them as students will not be allowed to leave the site without us seeing you. I’m sure you will be just as excited to see them and hear about their first days, as they will be to see you. Unfortunately, transport will not be provided for either day.
We would like to invite you to our New Parents’ Information Evening, which will be held on Thursday 26 June 2025 from 5.30pm-6.30pm in the Main Hall. It will be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s Head of Year and they will run through things like the timings of the school day, our expectations and uniform, make you aware of any changes from previous years with older siblings and take any questions, which will hopefully set your minds at ease. It is really important you come and we are looking forward to seeing you there. Following the meeting we will upload a copy of our presentation here in case you missed anything.
Year 7 Parents’ Handbook.pdf (to be added at a later date)
Year 6 New Parents’ Information Evening presentation.pdf (to be added at a later date)
Year 6 New Parents’ Information Evening |
Thursday 26 June 2025
5.30pm-6.30pm Main Hall |
Year 6 Transition Day 1
Tuesday 1 July 2025 |
9.15am-3pm Meet in Main Hall |
Year 6 Transition Day 2
Wednesday 2 July 2025 |
9.15am-3pm Meet in Main Hall |
For information on our school uniform please click here
For links to Uniform Direct, our uniform suppliers, please click here with their buying guidance here
School Transport
If you think your child is eligible for school transport, please apply for transport as soon as possible. Early transport applications are encouraged to ensure that transport is in place in time for the start of the September term. Applications can be made online at the website below or a telephone application can be made by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 01522 782020. For more information about the home-to-school transport policy and online applications please go to www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-college-transport. Queries can be emailed to schooltransportapplications@lincolnshire.gov.uk
We hope that you have a great summer preparing your child for their first year at William Farr. Please do use the resources we have provided; Parents’ Evening presentation and Parents’ Handbook.
We are looking forward to seeing your child on the first school day in September. Please bring them to the Main Hall near reception as you did on the Transition days and school will finish at 3.15pm again to give you time to collect your child. Those getting the bus will be supported by the Year 7 team and the Senior Teachers, to ensure that your child makes it onto the correct bus. Have a great summer.