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Trips & Events

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Educational Visits, Trips and Internal Events are planned and organised by school staff, which give students opportunities to engage with 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10) and afford them opportunities to experience life outside of William Farr School. We run trips within the village, visiting the local church, visits to Lincoln to places of cultural and historical interest, the Wolds, Peaks and Lakes as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, London to museums and places of interest, as well as residential international trips to Normandy, Paris, Barcelona, Bormio, Washington and New York.

Due to the nature of different foci within departments or opportunities that present themselves at different points in the year, we do not tend to have a static set of trips that we run year in, year out, however there is a core set of trips and visits that take place from year to year. Below are a range of trips and visits to give you a flavour of some of the opportunities your child will be able to be involved with.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Magna Trip (Design)

Year 7 Concert (Music)

Panto Visit

Year 7 Disco

Market Rasen Racecourse (Maths)

Space Centre (Science)

Year 7 Movie Night

End of Year 7 Trip

Touring West End Play (Drama)

Visiting Authors and Poets (English)

Y8 Movie Night

Y8 Normandy Trip (Languages)

End of Year 8 Trip

GCHQ Codebreaking (Languages)

Year 9 Playzone

Jewellery Workshop (Design)

STEM Blast Off to RIAT (Design)

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh

Ski Trip

Creative Forces Trip

End of Year 9 Trip

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12/13

Creative Forces Trip

Paris Trip (Languages)

Robotics in Engineering Workshop (Design)

Lincoln Museum (Art)

Beth Shalom (Religious)

Inspiration Show (Maths)

Orienteering (PE)

Nottingham Trent University (Design)

Welton Village (Geog)

Maths Feast (Maths)

High Ropes (PS)

First Steps to University

Barcelona (Languages)

Ski Trip

Silver Duke of Edinburgh

Take Your Child to Work

University of Lincoln Careers Fair

Movie Night

Lincoln Pride

End of Year 10 Trip

Hornsea Field Trip (Geog)

Touring West End Play (Drama)

Caterpillar Factory (Design)

Paris Trip (Languages)

College Visit (SEND)

Year 11 Prom


RS Conference (Religious)

New York / Barcelona (Art/Design)

Washington DC (History)

Paris Trip (Languages)

CERN (Science)

Cleethorpes Field Trips (Geog)

Willingham Woods Field Trip (Geog)

Gibraltar Point Field Trip (Geog)

Nottingham Trent University (Design)

Whisby (Science)

Lessons from Auschwitz (Religious)

London (Design)

Ski Trip

Gold Duke of Edinburgh

FESTO Factory (Design)

Jaguar Land Rover (Design)

Be Inspired Days (Art, Business, Design, Geog, History, Religious)

Courts of Justice (Religious)

End of Year 12 Trip

Year 13 Ball

There are also sessions that occur as part of the teaching day that are put on to support and extend teaching through internal events, such as Othello (English), practical Drama productions, practical technical cooking activities (Food), Introduction to NEA (Design), as well as speakers from industry and universities, who also come in to speak to our students to enhance what they do and bring outside William Farr into the classroom.


For educational visits and trips, we ask parents and carers to give consent. This will be online using the ParentPay app when a visit or trip is advertised.

As a school, we will ask for support in the following when consent for a visit is given:

  • Having received the information given, I/We agree to my child’s participation in all of the activities described; 
  • My child is fully aware of their responsibilities and the need to behave in an appropriate manner at all times;
  • I am/We are aware that parent(s)/carer(s) will be responsible for payment of any intentional damage caused by my/our child;
  • I/We understand that if my/our child behaves in an unacceptable manner, parent(s)/carer(s) may be asked to finance their early return;
  • I/We will only allow my/our child to travel if fully fit.

Emergency medical consent

I/We agree to my/our child receiving medication as instructed or any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. In the event of an accident where emergency procedures are not required, it may be necessary to transport a student to a medical centre or hospital.

In these circumstances, I/we give permission for my/our child to be transported with a member of the school staff.

Unsupervised time

On certain educational visits, students may be given time to explore in small unsupervised groups (never alone). The group leader will set clear guidelines and expectations if this occurs, including return times and where students are permitted to go. Students will always be given the option to remain with members of staff.